Referring to the item in the September 2011 issue, readers should not be concerned about towing a Chevrolet HHR. I have seen many on the road, and they seem to be tracking just fine. I towed a Chevrolet Malibu 100,000 miles with no problems, and am currently towing a Honda CR-V. A good towbar and baseplate with an auxiliary braking system, wiring and installation will cost less than a dolly.
Today there are several new braking systems that make towing very simple. I use the M&G Engineering unit that connects between the brake booster and the master cylinder.
Elvin Shaw | Mesa, Ariz.
It takes many thousands of miles to determine if a vehicle is suited for dinghy towing. We rely on our readers to share their real-world experiences. Thanks for writing, Elvin.
– Ken Freund
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