We have a 2002 Fleetwood Revolution diesel motorhome on a Freightliner chassis. When refueling I get blowback from the tank, the fueling rate is about one gallon per minute and it makes no difference which side I refuel from. What is the cause? I have had the system checked several times. Some shops have said they corrected a vent problem, others reported no problem. Nothing has resolved the problem.
Gary Wilson | Sacramento, Calif.
The cause has to be either a restriction in the filler tubes or in the vent line. Carefully inspect the filler tubes as they go from the filler cap to the tank, looking for sharp bends, pinches or reductions in diameter. Do the same for the vent lines. Try pushing something flexible like a length of hose that’s smaller diameter through the system. I’m quite sure you’ll find the problem.
The cause can also be a long fill tube between the tank and the filler neck. If that tube runs horizontally for too long a distance, the fuel can fill the line, foam and cause blowback. This can be aggravated by a restricted vent line. Changing the fuel line arrangement can call for some significant rebuilding of the filler and tank, so hopefully, it’s just a restricted vent line.
– Ken Freund
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