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Wind-Wandering Workhorse

Originally Published in MotorHome Magazine

I recently purchased my fourth motorhome, and my first on a Workhorse chassis. The coach’s steering in a crosswind is abysmal and I feel it is downright dangerous. I have had the steering checked and there is nothing mechanically wrong with it. I have been told that this is characteristic of the Workhorse chassis. I know there are aftermarket fixes, but which one is best?

R. Marrinson | tulsa, Okla.

Oklahoma has particularly strong and frequent winds, which exacerbate the problem. You didn’t mention which Workhorse chassis you have, but I assume it’s a W20 or W22 series, which don’t have sway bars as standard equipment.

I would start by adding sway bars. Hellwig and Roadmaster offer quality kits. I recently visited Hellwig’s headquarters and test-drove a coach on a Workhorse chassis before and after sway bar installation. The results were very good. If you decide to go one step further, both companies offer trac bar kits that hold the rear axle in lateral position for even more surefooted driving. These items improve handling without increasing ride harshness, as would stiffer springs or shocks. Both pieces of hardware are good investments.

— Ken Freund

Man smiling and standing next to truck driver side

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