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Thetford’s Toss Ins

Originally Published in MotorHome Magazine

Thetford's Toss InsFile this under Things You’d Rather Not Know About: An RV’s toilet is
located over, and empties directly into, the black-water holding tank.
It’s not quite like driving around with an outhouse — there are a few
seals between — but you get the idea. Thank goodness for holding-tank
deodorants, eh?

Actually, odor control is just one of several tasks required of
holding-tank chemicals; whatever you choose to add to your commode must
also be capable of breaking down solid waste, and cleaning the tank
itself. According to the folks at Thetford, that’s exactly what happens
when its Aqua-Kem line of chemicals is added. However, if you’d rather
not use the bathroom floor to find out if the company’s claim of having
the most powerful odor control available is true — accidents happen,
especially when measuring and pouring liquids — consider Thetford’s
Toss-Ins, easy-to-use packets that do everything the bottled version
does except spill. Said to be 100-percent biodegradable, 10 premeasured
Toss-Ins are packaged in a resealable zipper pouch for easy storage.
Also available in formaldehyde-free Supreme Green formula, Toss-Ins are
claimed to be rapid-dissolving, and work in all weather (hot and cold).

Thetford/Norcold, (800) 521-3032, thetford.com.

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