Over the last four years, seat-belt use has risen dramatically in the United States, and
it’s now claimed to be over 80 percent. The National Highway Traffic and Safety
Administration and the Department of Transportation credit this to programs such as the
“Click It or Ticket” campaign. Since 2001, nationwide seat-belt use has increased from 73
percent to 80 percent, and that is credited with saving 3,400 lives a year. Arizona and
Hawaii scored highest with a better than 95-percent usage rate. Washington, Oregon,
Michigan and California also have higher than 90-percent rates. Mississippi was last, with
63.2 percent of drivers/passengers wearing seat belts. Massachusetts (63.3 percent), South
Carolina (65.7 percent) and Kentucky (66 percent) also came in poorly.
Seat-Belt Usage Up; Saves Lives
Originally Published in Trailer Life Magazine
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