Epson recently introduced PictureMate Dash for easy digital prints.
Simply take the image card – any one of the various types of cards – out
of your digital camera, plug it in the front and watch the first
high-quality 4 x 6-inch print come out seconds later. It’s that easy to
use. There’s an optional battery available, too, so you can share photo
memories with new-found friends while you’re swapping stories around the
Photo paper and ink are sold together in a single box. About
$35 will get you 150 sheets of paper and enough ink to print as many
photographs. After you print the pictures you want, you can download the
images from the camera card to your computer for more permanent
storage. PictureMate Dash has an msrp of $149.99.
Epson, (800) 463-7766.