I have a SkyScan digital clock that displays inside and outside temperature. After trying to find a location, when parked, that the outside transmitter unit could sense air temperature without being in direct sun any part of the day, I decided to place it in a wheel well on top of the tire. That worked OK until I left on a trip and forgot it was there. Obviously, it didn’t survive being rolled over by several tons.
I needed a better location for the replacement unit that I wouldn’t have to always tend to. The perfect place turned out to be in the channel forming the bottom of the slide opening. There’s plenty of room so the transmitter and the slide don’t interfere with each other, and the inherent shape of the channel keeps the unit in place.
A small plastic bag with a zipper protects it from moisture, and it never needs tending except for an occasional battery change.
Tom Becker | Albuquerque, New Mexico