If you’ve ever attempted coach-dinghy hookups in the dark, you can
appreciate Nite-Glow Flex-Coil Adapters from Hopkins Towing Solutions.
These heavy-duty adapters feature impact-resistant ends with glowing
plugs: When the Nite-Glow adapters are engaged, the translucent plugs
Incorporating insulated, cable-protected molding coiled to
provide flexibility while preventing the wire from dragging on the
ground, the Nite-Glow adapters are available in four sizes. According to
the company, its 4:4 and 6:6 adapters, which stretch to 8 feet, are
intended specifically for dinghy towing. Flex-Coil adapters are also
available in non-glowing applications.
Hopkins Manufacturing, (620) 342-7320, www.hopkinsmfg.com