With gas prices on the rise, many people are looking for low-cost ways to travel. What many people don’t realize is that they likely live within a day’s drive of a national park. To give you inspiration to explore the parks in your own backyard, Microsoft is conducting a Cruisin’ the National Parks Trivia Sweepstakes by Microsoft Streets & Trips. Whether you’re on the road or stuck at home behind a computer, you can participate.
All questions will be based on the national parks and participants will have a chance to win $50 Visa gift cards and copies of the 2011 version of Microsoft Streets & Trips. The contest started in late June and runs through Labor Day with a new trivia question posted every Tuesday. Visit www.microsoft.com/streets/explore for more information and to join in on the fun.
You can also visit the Streets & Trips Facebook fan page to share your stories and photos from the road. For every person who “likes” the Streets & Trips Facebook page, Microsoft will donate $1 to the National Park Foundation.