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GSC Offers Gas Savings at Petro

Originally Published in Trailer Life Magazine

The Good Sam Club has aligned with Petro Stopping Centers, a nationwide travel plaza chain
with 65 locations, to allow its club members a savings of two cents per gallon on gasoline
and diesel purchases.

“As much as we wish we could, the Good Sam Club has not been able to
roll back gas prices to what they used to be a year ago,” said Sue Bray, executive director
for the Good Sam Club. “However, we’re now able to provide a little relief to our members.”

Other savings for Good Sam Club members include a 10 percent discount at Petro’s Iron
Skillet restaurants and their on-site convenience stores. “The RV market is large and
growing rapidly,” said David P. McClure, director of marketing for Petro Stopping Centers.
“We are working to make sure these new customers feel at home when they visit us.”

Stopping Centers are located on major highways in most states.

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