Adventure, discovery and fun are on tap with the launch of the American Discovery Trail
(ADT), the United States’ first coast-to-coast non-motorized trail (motor vehicles are
forbidden). The ADT crosses 15 states and the District of Columbia as it stretches some
6,356 miles from Cape Henlopen State Park, Delaware, to the Golden Gate Bridge in San
Francisco, California. The American Discovery Trail travels through rural America linking
small towns and urban cities, Appalachian Mountains, Great Plains, the Rockies and the
Sierras. The ADT route includes thousands of historical and cultural landmarks, such as old
forts, historical monuments, grand homes and museums. The trail includes 14 national parks,
16 national forests and passes near an estimated 10,000 sites of cultural, historical and
natural significance. For more information on the trail and adjacent RV parking locations,
call (800) 663-2387 or visit
First Coast-to-Coast Trail Launched
Originally Published in Trailer Life Magazine
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