Day-use fees at many federally managed lands will be waived on Saturday, September 25, 2010, to celebrate National Public Lands Day.
In addition to this being a fee-free day, volunteers who participate in
NPLD at a site managed by the Bureau of Land Management, National Park
Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
or USDA Forest Service will be rewarded with a coupon good for a
fee-free day at any site managed by those agencies. The coupon is usable
for one year — from September 25, 2010, to September 24, 2011.
National Public Lands Day began in 1994 with three federal
agencies and 700 volunteers. It is now the nation’s largest hands-on
volunteer effort to improve and enhance the public lands Americans
enjoy. Last year 150,000 volunteers worked at more than 2,000 locations
in every state and in many U.S. territories. Now, eight federal agencies
and many state and local lands participate in this annual day of caring
for shared lands.
For information on volunteering, visit