A father-son team is on a quest to “Fish 50 Trophy Waters in 50 States in 50
Days.” Jeff Turner, 48, and son Taylor, 17, started their expedition on June 13 on the
Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania and plan to travel 1,500 miles by RV across the 48 states
and then fly to Alaska and finally to Hawaii, where they will end the trip on July 30 by
fishing for blue marlin. Guided by one professional in each state, their plan is to fish at
least four hours in the trophy waters of each state. Their hope is to leave a personal
legacy and to inspire other folks to live out their adventures. You can learn more about
this father-son fishing duo and track their adventure at www.fish5050.com.
Father and Son Go RVing Across Nation to Fish in 50 States
Originally Published in Trailer Life Magazine
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