The U.S. Senate is currently debating S.517, the national energy bill. This bill contains a
provision, sponsored by Senators John Kerry (D-Massachusetts) and Fritz Hollings (D-South
Carolina), that mandates increases of 50 percent in existing Corporate Average Fuel Economy
(CAFE) standards. This provision would require passenger cars, pickup trucks, minivans, vans and SUVs to
average 35 miles per gallon. Vehicles such as Suburbans, Tahoes, Expeditions, Explorers,
Jeep Cherokees, Durangos, Dodge Rams and other popular vehicles used by outdoor enthusiasts
to tow trailers, boats and other vehicles would be in jeopardy. These vehicles would be
required to be downsized to meet the new standards, and towing capacities would be greatly
reduced. To preserve your right to buy and drive these popular vehicles, please e-mail your
senators today and ask them to vote NO on drastic increases in CAFE standards. Click on the
cartoon or the link below to see an animated message on the U.S. Senate CAFE proposal, and
for information on contacting the U.S. Senators from your state.
Energy Bill Provision Threatens Tow Vehicles
Originally Published in Trailer Life Magazine

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