Roaming Times has named Earthbound RV as winner of its Third Annual Green RV Award.
The purpose of the Roaming Times’ Green RV of the Year
selection is to recognize and highlight innovation in the RVing industry
that supports environmental factors for the world in general, and the
RVing, travel and leisure industries in particular, according to a news
The RV company, which recently moved from Middlebury, Ind., to
Marion, Ind., was cited by Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels at a ceremony
marking the relocation. He said in part, “The RV industry is reinventing
itself and starting to bounce back.”
David B. Hoefer, Earthbound’s vice president of sales and
marketing, said, ”We’re at the cutting edge. Instead of traditional
RV-building methods, we’ve turned to experts in other fields, such as
automotive and plastics…”
The V-2 Earthbound being produced has already eliminated all wood
and wood byproducts. “Earthbound has leaped ahead with the use of
composites, thermoplastics and lightweight hybrid structural materials.
We’ve been partnering with major international composite suppliers for
over eight years.”
Earthbound trailers are eco-friendly and lightweight. “We have the
potential to add 11 million new customers to the towable RV buying
market. Our RVs are towable with vehicles that are already parked in
many of today’s family driveways.”
“We’re in the 21st century. The consumer will not accept the
status quo, why should we?” said C. David Hoefer, who has had a hand in
founding a number of companies over the years, including Dutchmen, Hart
Housing, Four Winds and Pilgrim RV.
David B. Hoefer said these units being produced represent the
second generation of Earthbound’s eco-friendly vehicles, while the first
was produced by Hoefer Sr.’s previous company, Pilgrim.
“This is eons ahead of Pilgrim,” he said. “We’ve taken it five steps further as far as greenness.”