As the weather warms, the number of bugs across the country is on the
rise. From “lovebugs” in the south to midges, mayflies and mosquitoes in
the north, these insects swarm the roadways. Many will meet an untimely
death on the windshield of a vehicle this summer, leaving drivers with a
hazy mess that typical blue washer fluids can’t remove.
“Most bugs are small, but they can travel in swarms which can
make a large impact on your windshield,” said splatologist Mark
Hostetler, nationally recognized “Bug Doctor” and author of That Gunk on Your Car: A Unique Guide to Insects of North America.
“As the temperature rises, so does the number of insects near the
roadways. They are so numerous that many are traversing roads and
unfortunately ending up on our windshields.”
According to Hostetler, carbohydrates found in insect parts and
bird droppings cause biological deposits to stick to windshields on
impact, creating large splats that in many instances can impair driver
visibility. In addition, if some splats are not removed relatively
quickly, a vehicle’s paint can be “eaten” by the splat’s acidity.
Prestone, the maker of Bug Wash windshield washer fluid, has
partnered with Hostetler to educate people about the splats on their
windshield and the best way to remove the gunk left behind.
“Bugs are truly interesting creatures, and you can tell a lot
about them from the splat they leave on your windshield. For example,
examine the color of the splat. If it has a bit of red in it, then it’s
from a female bug – they’re the only ones that bite and draw blood,”
said Hostetler. “As interesting as they are, however, at some point
we’ve still got to get them off the windshield.”
Bug Wash is formulated to penetrate, break down and emulsify
these deposits so that they are more easily removed from the windshield
by the washer fluid and wipers.
Bug Wash carries an MSRP is $1.99 per bottle, and is available at retailers nationwide such as Wal-Mart and AutoZone.
For more information about bug splats and Prestone Bug Wash windshield washer fluid, visit Prestone online.