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ZipStitch Wound Closure Device

Originally Published in Trailer Life Magazine

We all want to enjoy a great road trip, but a big part of the fun is having peace of mind, knowing you are prepared for minor accidents.


None of us knows when we’ll run into trouble, but with the ZipStitch wound-closure device, you can be ready. If you happen to get a cut that is too deep for butterfly bandages and strips, the ZipStitch device allows you to noninvasively treat the minor laceration in seconds, wherever you may be, without the potential pain, hassle and cost of going to the emergency room for stitches.

ZipStitch is an emergency-room-quality wound closure that is available without a prescription. Its award-winning technology has been used in hospitals worldwide in more than 600,000 procedures and now is available to the public. The device is 12 times stronger than stitches1 and offers better wound protection than butterfly bandages and strips.

ZipStitch in place on upper leg wound.ZipStitch brings greater peace of mind to many situations: cooking, maintenance, hiking, camping, hunting, boating or exploring off the grid. It is a great gift idea for anyone who is looking for the best tools to be prepared for unexpected emergencies.

At only 1.5 inches, ZipStitch is easy to carry and use. It’s a small product that can make a big difference when you need it.

ZipStitch in place on lower leg wound.


Reference: 1. Levi K, et al. Mechanics of Wound Closure: Emerging Tape-Based Wound Closure Technology vs. Traditional Methods. Cureus 8(10); e827. DOI 10.7759/cureus.827.

Special Offer

This holiday season ZipStitch is offering Trailer Life readers up to 50 percent off when you buy five. Just visit www.zipstitch.us and use code Trailer30 to get 30 percent off plus a 20 percent volume discount on the five count. Stock up and save, or get some for the adventurers in your life.

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