Webasto has introduced a completely gas-free concept with DualTop,
Webasto’s combined air and wash-water heating system, and a diesel
stove. An EFOY fuel cell serves as external power source. The silent,
environmentally friendly fuel cell can be easily integrated even into
the smallest motorhome.
Webasto’s new DualTop system provides a clean break from
traditional systems in which most devices on board of a motorhome are
powered by gas. Webasto’s gas-free concept assures the continuous
comfort that motorhome owners expect along with a fully independent,
autonomous power supply. This frees owners from relying on refill
utilities for gas bottles or worrying about reaching a campground with
power outlets.
In a gas-free motorhome, the heating system and the stove are
operated by diesel fuel from the vehicle’s tank. The power for the
compressor fridge comes from a service battery, which is continually and
automatically recharged by the EFOY fuel cell on board.
Without gas bottles, there is also more space inside the
motorhome. The EFOY fuel cell is extremely reliable, economical (10
liters will provide up to four weeks of autonomous power on board) and
maintenance free. The EFOY fuel cell will be available through the
Webasto retail network. Distribution has already started for Europe and
will successively be further rolled out internationally, including the
United States.