There is something endlessly fascinating about water – plunging into an abyss, cascading
over a cliff, or cutting down a tranquil forest trail. Waterfalls can surprise you as you
turn the corner of a hiking trail, or beckon for miles by the roar of the falls, sounding
long before you reach them. Some are attended by thousands of visitors each year, while
others are tucked away in parks, forests and caverns that only the most dedicated waterfall
seekers can reach.
British Columbia boasts the richest array of waterfalls, mile for mile,
in the world. Many RVers make pilgrimages to visit some of BC’s most beautiful falls each
year, while still others enjoy the plentiful parks and campgrounds, only to discover the
beautiful falls within. Waterfalls of British Columbia by Tony Greenfield is the
first and only guidebook to focus solely on British Columbia’s rich waterfall heritage,
taking the guesswork out of finding and visiting these magnificent feats of nature.
Organized by region, with each region broken down by its waterfalls, Waterfalls of
British Columbia is comprehensive, providing the following information for each fall:
- a “five-fall” waterfall rating system that takes into account height, width,
discharge, fame and unique attributes/scenic qualities - access rating system – from easy to access to very difficult, with very difficult
involving possible strenuous hiking and/or overnight camping - when to go
- location – giving approximate location information (ie., “3 miles west of Campbell
River”) - type – from tiered plunges to cascades
- facilities information – giving campground information, access points, picnic areas
and much more - highlights – covering facts about and history of the waterfall
- status – covering which parks, if any, the falls are located in
- snapshot – containing personalized visit information, stories and more
Waterfalls of British Columbia is a full-color guidebook containing beautiful
photos, detailed maps, sections of waterfall facts, safety precautions, a glossary, a
waterfall checklist and so much more. A must-have for motorhoming through BC. Published
by Harbour Publishing, MSRP $26.95, and available at most major and online retail
bookstores. For more information, call (800) 667-2988 or visit Harbour Publishing.
The perfect supplement to Waterfalls of British Columbia, author Tony
Greenfield offers guided waterfall tours of BC through his company, Whiskeyjack Nature
Tours. For more information, visit Whiskeyjack Nature Tours.