If you are looking for a way to support your RV wanderlust, this may be the resource for
you. Support Your RV Lifestyle! An Insider’s Guide to Working on the Road, Second
Edition details more than 350 ways to make money while fulltiming in your RV, while
giving you the chance to explore an area of RVing that is exciting and satisfying. This
400-page handbook is easy to navigate and contains valuable insights based on author Jaime
Hall’s personal experiences and those of her fellow working RVers. Topics covered include:
- determining the cost of fulltiming
- managing expenses
- searching for workamp postions online and through networking
- how to write a resume and cover letter
- preparing for an interview and negotiating salary
In addition, there are 72 pages
of resources, worksheets, forms, planning guides and more included in the handbook
appendices. MSRP $19.95, available from
Pine Country Publishing and through online booksellers. A bonus CD, containing
articles and clickable, printable resources is also available for an additional