Peace, harmony and tranquility permeate your soul as you stroll through the Japanese
Gardens in Seattle’s Washington Park Arboretum. Spring brings cherry blossoms, azaleas,
rhododendrons and other colorful flowers among many shades of green grasses, ferns and
trees. Each season brings its own unique beauty. Enter through the south gate and wander
down paths beside a small lake, the tea garden, the moon-viewing stand and the Emperor’s
Gate. Sit on a stone bench and watch turtles sunning themselves while gentle perfumes from
millions of blossoms tantalize your senses.
Designed and constructed in 1960 by famed Juki
Iida, these are rated among the top-10 Japanese gardens outside of Japan. The gardens are
open daily except Mondays from March 1 through November 30. Admission is $3 for adults, $2
for youths and seniors. For details, call (206) 684-4075, or visit