On the heels of the PBS presentation of “America’s Best Idea,” a
documentary on the national parks by Ken Burns, the National Park
Service (NPS) has developed the Web site Plan Your Visit to America’s
Best Idea (Your National Parks): Fall, Winter, Spring 2009-2010 to help
visitors find activities, events, and commercial services at NPS areas
during the fall, winter and spring months.
The Web site also includes travel tips and links to other
resources. The names of parks are hyperlinked to travel information
specific to those parks. Check out “Plan Your Visit” here.
The National Park Service invites all Americans to come and enjoy
their country’ s stroke of brilliance, the national parks, in person.
These protected places boast spectacular landscapes year-round, as Burns
demonstrates in his film. Even though fall, winter, and spring make up
the so-called “off season” in the National Park System, there is plenty
to do in the parks during this time.
“The national parks are truly America’s best idea,” says NPS
Director Jon Jarvis, “and one thing that makes them so is their dynamic
nature. They are preserved from changes that would radically alter them,
but they aren’t static: they’re full of activity. This Web site helps
people know what’s going on in the parks. Americans are quite diverse,
but so are the sites that the NPS stewards, and these places and the
activities they offer appeal to a range of interests.”
The National Park Service always recommends stopping by a park’s
visitor center to get up-to-date information. In addition, NPS reminds
visitors that safety is critical. Hikers should stay on marked trails
and let close acquaintances know their whereabouts and plans. Remember
to dress appropriately for the elements and for activities and to bring
any necessary supplies. It’s always best to have plenty of water on
hand. You can easily spot park rangers in their distinctive green and
gray uniforms and brimmed hats.
Ask questions; that’s why they are there.
From the National Park Service