“It doesn’t take an expert to save money at the pump,” claims Bobby Hamilton, racing legend and AutoVantage spokesman. “There are a few precautions you can take before and after you hit the road that will save you money in the long run.” The following suggestions from AutoVantage can help to keep you on the road to adventure: 1. Check tire pressure. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) reports that one pound of underinflation costs consumers two to three miles of gas per gallon, so check your tire pressure at least once a month. 2. Get a tune-up. Keep your engine properly tuned and save big bucks; fixing a car noticeably out of tune can improve gas mileage by 4 percent, according to the DOE. 3. Replace air filters. Checking and replacing clogged air filters regularly can improve your car’s gas mileage by as much as 10 percent. 4. Keep it at 55. Take your pedal off the metal; DOE figures show that gas mileage decreases rapidly at speeds above 60 mph. 5. Beat the heat. Buy gasoline when it’s cooler outside, such as early morning or in the evening. Gas is denser in cool temperatures, and gas pumps measure by volume.
Keep on RVing
Originally Published in Trailer Life Magazine
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