Alaska has long been known as an RVer’s paradise, and its popularity is increasing every
season. Often called the “last great driving adventure in North America,” RVers from all
over – from across Canada and down through the United States – come to travel the Alaska
Highway, which treks through more than 1,500 miles of Alaskan towns and wilderness: from
Dawson Creek, BC to Fairbanks, Alaska. Whether you’re a first-time Alaskan explorer or a
returning visitor, a good guidebook is essential. Written with an insider’s viewpoint by
Alaskan resident Ron Dalby, Guide to the Alaskan Highway from Menasha Ridge Press
is the book for you. Dalby has traveled the Highway more than 30 times, and shares his tips
and secrets with you. Topics covered include:
- Where to spot wildlife
- favorite fishing holes
- must-see destinations Beautifully illustrated with spectacular color photography,
Guide to the Alaska Highway will help you make your roadtrip adventure a
memorable one. MSRP $21.95, available from online book sellers and bookstores
nationwide. Visit
Amazon for more information.