The Good Sam Club, the world’s largest RV owners’
organization with nearly one million member families, has announced
that the Good Sam Club RV Owners’ Advisory Council (RVOAC) has just
deployed its annual survey. This year, the council hopes to gather
empirical data concerning RV tire safety.
The survey was sent to about 250,000 randomly selected Good Sam
Club members and will seek to determine the frequency of RV tire failure
and RV owners’ knowledge about RV tire selection, care and maintenance.
“We’ve had quite a number of members write to us to express their
concern about RV tires. The failure rate of RV tires is simply not known
at this point, because there is no data available to confirm or refute
those concerns,” said Tom Gonser, RVOAC Chair.
“Our survey will involve an extremely large sample size, and should
begin to provide answers as to whether a problem with RV tires exists;
and, if so, what types, sizes, and brands of RV types might be most
involved. Separately, we’ll be collecting significant information
pertaining to RV owners’ understanding of issues pertaining to tire
safety, and to the need for owner diligence in tire care and
In preparing the survey, the Good Sam Club Council consulted with other interested parties such as the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA) and the RV Safety and Education Foundation. The survey results will be published in the Good Sam Club’s Highways Magazine.
According to Sue Bray, director of member benefits for the Good Sam
Club, information collected concerning the state of RV owner knowledge
about tire safety issues can also be used by the club to help design
future education programs for its members.
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