I have struggled for years hooking up the cable-TV connection to the utility posts in almost every campground. My fat fingers don’t always fit into the small area where the cable connections go, and once you get the nut on, it’s sometimes almost impossible to turn. Then, when it’s time to remove it, more times than not it doesn’t budge. Forget about trying to get a wrench or pliers in the tight area. I don’t know how many times I’ve pulled the end off the cable wire trying to get it off.
My son and I were talking about what a great idea it would be to have a push-on connector. We looked high and low at local home-improvement stores to find some, but we just got the deer-in-the-headlights look from the salespeople.
I went online today and found a lot of listings for “push-on F adapters.” You just screw one of these on each end of the cable wire, and all you have to do is push the connectors on, and when you leave, pull them off. Doesn’t get much easier than that. I thought I would pass this along to other readers. What a time and aggravation saver!
T.J. McBrearty | Clovis, California
As a person with none-too-small hands and fingers, I can relate to your dilemma, T.J., and thank you so much for this suggestion. It’s something that many of our readers will find useful. For long-term use, you should be aware that push-on connectors can corrode and lose connectivity. There are a wrench made for coax connectors and a device marketed as an RV Cable Grip that can also help.
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• RV Tech Q&A: February 2019
• 10-Minute Tech: Cable Connections