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Originally Published in Trailer Life Magazine



Choose a campground and go! Good Sam Campgrounds & RV Parks Directory offers information on thousands of nationwide private and public accommodations. It also lists more than 3,000 discount locations.

Clubs for RVers

Make new RV friends by joining a club.

National Park

If you’re planning to visit some national parks, here’s a good resource to use to begin planning your motorhome visit to the parks.

National Park

Call (800) 365-CAMP for reservations to most national parks, or book them online.

National Scenic Byways, Recreational

Find those beautiful spots along your RVing way — and enjoy the scenery! Check out National Scenic Byways Online.

Open Roads Forum

Meet other RVers and join in a discussion about travel destinations and other topics. Click on Open Roads Forum.

Pets — Traveling With Them

If you travel with a pet, you will find a list of emergency veterinarians, boarding kennels, a detailed guide to all the major airlines’ pet policies and much more on www.petswelcome.com


Search for road construction areas before you leave on your trip.

State Parks

Before you visit a state park, search here first for all the information you need.

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Tourism Resources

Alabama: (800) ALABAMA; www.touralabama.org

Alaska: (800) 862-5275; www.travelalaska.com

Arizona: (888) 520-3433; www.arizonaguide.com

Arkansas: (800) NATURAL; www.arkansas.com

California: (800) TO-CALIF; gocalif.ca.gov

Colorado: (800) COLORADO; www.colorado.com

Connecticut: (800) CT-BOUND; www.ct bound.org

Delaware: (800) 441-8846; www.state.de.us/tourism

Washington, D.C.: (800) 422-8644; www.washington.org

Florida: (888) 7-FLA-USA; www.flausa.com

Georgia: (800) VISIT-GA; www.georgia.org/itt/tourism

Hawaii: (800) GO-HAWAII; www.go hawaii.com

Idaho: (800) VISIT-ID; www.visitid.org

Illinois: (800) 2-CONNECT; www.enjoyillinois.com

Indiana: (800) 289-6646; www.state.in.us/tourism

Iowa: (800) 345-IOWA; www.state.ia.us/tourism

Kansas: (800) 2-KANSAS; www.kansas commerce.com

Kentucky: (800) 225-TRIP; www.kentuckytourism.com

Louisiana: (800) 334-8626; www.louisianatravel.com

Maine: (888) MAINE-45; www.visitmaine.com

Maryland: (800) MD-IS-FUN; www.mdisfun.org

Massachusetts: (800) 227-MASS; www.massvacation.com

Michigan: (888) 78-GREAT; www.michigan.org

Minnesota: (800) 657-3700; www.exploreminnesota.com

Mississippi: (800) WARMEST; www.mississippi.org

Missouri: (800) 877-1234; www.missouritourism.org

Montana: (800) VISIT-MT; visitmt.com

Nebraska: (800) 228-4307; www.visitnebraska.org

Nevada: (800) NEVADA-8; www.travelnevada.com

New Hampshire: (800) FUN-IN-NH; www.visitnh.gov

New Jersey: (800) JERSEY-7; www.visitnj.org

New Mexico: (800) 545-2040; www.new mexico.org

New York: (800) CALL-NYS; www.iloveny.state.ny.us

North Carolina: (800) VISIT-NC; www.visitnc.com

North Dakota: (800) HELLO-ND; www.ndtourism.com

Ohio: (800) BUCKEYE; www.ohiotourism.com

Oklahoma: (800) 652-6552; www.travelok.com

Oregon: (800) 547-7842; www.traveloregon.com

Pennsylvania: (800) VISIT-PA; www.state.pa.us/visit

Rhode Island: (800) 556-2484; visitrhodeisland.com

South Carolina: (800) 346-3634; www.travelsc.com

South Dakota: (800) SDAKOTA; www.travelsd.com

Tennessee: (800) TENN-200; www.state.tn.us/tourdev

Texas: (800) 88-88-TEX; www.traveltex.com

Utah: (800) 200-1160; www.utah.com

Vermont: (800) VERMONT; www.travel-vermont.com

Virginia: (800) VISIT-VA; www.virginia.org

Washington: (800) 544-1800; www.tourism.wa.gov

West Virginia: (800) CALL-WVA; www.callwv.com

Wisconsin: (800) 432-8747 or (800) 432-TRIP; www.travelwisconsin.com

Wyoming: (800) CALL-WYO; www.wyomingtourism.org

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Alberta: (800) 661-8888; www.explorealberta.com

British Columbia: (800) 663-6000; www.travelbc.com

Manitoba: (800) 665-0040; www.travelmanitoba.com

New Brunswick: (800) 561-0123; www.tourismnbcanada.com

Newfoundland and Labrador: (800) 563-6353; www.gov.nf.ca

Northwest Territories: (800) 661-0788; www.nwttravel.nt.ca

Nova Scotia: (800) 565-0000; explore.gov.ns.ca

Nunavut: (800) 491-7910; www.nunatour.nt.ca

Ontario: (800) ONTARIO; www.travelinx.com

Prince Edward Island: (800) 463-4734; www.gov.pe.ca

Quebec: (800) 363-7777; www.tourisme.gouv.qc.ca

Saskatchewan: (800) 667-7191; www.sasktourism.com

Yukon: (867) 667-5340; www.touryukon.com


Mexico: (800) 44-MEXICO; www.mexico-travel.com

U.S. Forest Service (USFS) &
Army Corps of Engineers

Reservations can now be made for many U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and Army Corps of Engineers recreation sites through the National Recreation Reservation Service (NRRS) toll-free number (877) 444-6777, or online at http://www.reserveusa.com.

Before You Leave. . .

Check weather information, road closures and other practical information before you leave on your next RV trip.

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RV DestinationsTrailer Travel Destinations

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