“This is the legacy of my father, but it reflects the heritage of a way of life” is the way
Carl Mehmke describes his museum of steam engines and gas tractors, located near Great
Falls, Montana. There is also a canary-yellow 1957 T-Bird hidden away in Carl’s collection
of heavy equipment, much of which was used in the early 1900s. Most of his steam equipment
still operates and has been inspected and licensed by the state for that purpose.
ladies who are not impressed by iron-wheeled, steam-driven threshing machines, there is a
room full of uncommon plates, vases and glass pieces. Carl’s museum has hundreds of classic
items that tell better than words how farming was done in the wheatlands plains territory
of the West. But words help, and Carl, age 78, is happy to conduct tours and answer
questions. The Mehmke Museum is located on U.S. Highways 87/89, 10 miles east of Great
Falls. It is open every day, and all Carl asks is that people sign in. For directions, call
(406) 452-6571.