I carry 40 feet of sewer hose, which is cut into four 8- to 12-foot-long pieces, with each section fitted with connectors. This allows me to hook up easily in almost any RV park, no matter where the drain is located. My problem was how to store 40 feet of uncompacted hose in a storage bay. Since the undercarriage of my coach wouldn’t accommodate a sewer hose storage cylinder, I designed my own storage bars.
I cut a 11/4-inch-thick dowel into a 21/2-foot length and cut a piece of 1-by-4 board into two squares. I screwed the first square to one end of the dowel and then drilled a 13/8-inch hole in the center of the second square. When I need to store the sewer hose, I compact a section onto the dowel and then push the second square over the end of the dowel. I insert a small, cotterless hitch pin in a hole in the dowel to hold the hose tight. I made four of these bars to provide compact and stackable storage for my sewer hose sections.
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