A well-established attraction in northern Utah, the American West Heritage Center, is
becoming a major site at which to see the history of the West recreated. This 160-acre
living-history museum, near Wellsville, is a working farm – where adults and children in
period costumes show visitors through the cozy home and other structures. Care has been
taken to keep the setting authentic. Visitors can watch a turkey prancing around the
barnyard or a horse being shod, or take a more hands-on approach and help with the daily
chores: milking a cow, pitching hay, or doing the wash.
The American West Heritage Center
is open daily, except Sunday, from Memorial Day through Labor Day, and Monday through
Friday the rest of the year. The center is located 72 miles north of Salt Lake City on U.S.
Highway 89/91 in the scenic Cache Valley.
For more information, call (800) 225-FEST or go
to awhc.org.