After having our new trailer’s propane cylinders and batteries stolen at our “secure” storage facility, we decided it was prudent to “close the barn door after the fact.” A trip to an RV supply store produced a Torklift Fortress GasLock, an efficient and simple locking device for the propane cylinders. Then, after a trip to Home Depot, I procured the materials I needed to secure the batteries: a 4-foot piece of 2-inch angle iron at 1/8-inch thick, a heavy-duty strap hinge and a 2-foot length of ½-inch rebar.
I cut a length of the angle iron for the top, then cut and split a section for the two sides. I cut two pieces of the rebar to 6½ inches and welded them to the ends of each of the two sides in a “T” fashion. Then, I simply welded the hinge to one end of one side and the hasp to the other end of the top bracket, finishing off with the hasp loop welded to the top of the other side bracket. No drilling or cutting is needed on the battery support rails because the rebar sections simply hook under the battery support rails on the A-frame.
I also installed some thin self-adhesive weather stripping on the bottom of the top bracket and on the battery box side of both side brackets for a snug fit and to prevent rattle and wear. Now all that’s needed is a nice big padlock.
Gary Ownby, Camino | California